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School Librarians Are Advocates: with Amanda Lee

The Librarian Influencer of the Week is Georgia librarian Amanda Lee. She has been in education over 18 years, seven of which have been in the library working with PK-12th grade deaf students. Check out the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf. Amazing! Click here to listen now!

Here are some librarian influencer tips Amanda shared:

  • Realize it’s OK when people say that’s not how we do it. You can try new things.

  • Pace yourself.

  • Accessibility - make sure resources are accessible to your students and staff.

  • You are in a role that works with all students and all teachers. You can see the big picture of what’s happening at school.

  • Get involved in your state library association.

Librarians are advocates:

  • Focus on what your students need to be successful.

  • Advocate for your staff by providing professional development, find resources they need, and support them.

  • Advocate through your state and national associations.

  • Covid has shown us a lot of our inequities. Librarians can advocate for the things that have been revealed during this time like connectivity.

  • Develop relationships with your campus admin so you can advocate for what your students need. This will prepare you to advocate at higher levels later.

You can connect with Amanda Lee at:

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